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Contact the Resource Centre closest to you to register for any events you are interested in, or to get more information about CSE's services, special events or workshops.


3 people packaging eggs in cartons

Pathways to Production

Pathways to production is a free virtual program to launch your career in the manufacturing sector. You will have the opportunity to develop employable skills, receive industry certifications and increase your workplace experience in the manufacturing sector.

This program includes:
  • 4 weeks in-class training and a College level Certificate of Completion

  • Job coaching and participant supports such as dependent care and transportation assistance

  • Opportunities for full-time employment

  • Job maintenance supports for up to a year post-graduation

Next program is starting in May - contact us and register before then!

Program Eligibility:

For individuals 18+ who are unemployed or under-employed with an interest in the manufacturing sector.





Employment Ontario tri logo
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